The Benefits Licensing Can Offer Your Product

If you’re considering getting into licensing, one of the first things you’re going to want to fully understand are the benefits involved.

With licensed product reaching US$340 billion per annum, licensing is a popular strategy for thousands of companies around the world who enjoy a broad range of advantages.

Here we’ll summarise some of the benefits that licensing can offer for your product.

Instant Brand Recognition. Licensing can give your product instant brand recognition and credibility. Consumers are more likely to trust and purchase products associated with a popular property.

Access to Established Fan Base. Properties often have a dedicated fan base, which can translate to built-in customers for your product. By licensing a property, you can tap into this existing audience and increase sales.

A Competitive Edge. Licensing can help your product stand out in a crowded market. The unique elements of the property can differentiate your product from competitors and attract more attention from consumers.

Emotional Connection with Consumers. Properties often evoke strong emotions and nostalgia in consumers. By associating your product with a beloved property, you can create a strong emotional connection with consumers, leading to increased loyalty and repeat purchases. 

Storytelling and Narrative. Properties often come with rich storytelling and narrative elements. By leveraging these elements in your product, you can create a more engaging and compelling experience for consumers.

Cross-Promotion Opportunities. Licensing a property opens up opportunities for cross-promotion with other products or services associated with the same property. This can help increase brand visibility and reach a wider audience.

Increased Perceived Value. Associating your product with a popular property can increase its perceived value in the eyes of consumers. They may be willing to pay more for a product that is associated with something they love and admire.

Creative Inspiration. Licensing a property can provide you with creative inspiration for product design and development. The unique themes, characters, and settings of the property can spark new ideas and innovations for your product.

Global Appeal. Properties with international appeal can help your product reach a global audience. Licensing a property that is popular in multiple countries can open up new markets and opportunities for growth.

Risk Mitigation. Licensing a property can help mitigate the risk associated with launching a new product. Since the property already has an established fan base and market presence, there is a lower risk of failure compared to launching a completely new and untested product.

Brand Association. Licensing a property can enhance your brand's image by associating it with a well-known and respected property. This can help improve brand perception and attract new customers.

Scalability. Licensing a property allows for scalability, as you can leverage the popularity of the property to expand your product offerings and reach new markets without significant additional investment.

Target a specific demographics. Licensing is a great way to communicate clearly who your product is intended to be for.

Interested in licensing for your company? Click here →



How are Licensing Deals Structured?


Born to License helps Steven Singer Jewelers launch their first ever licensed product